In the Deep Museum
music on the edge of chaos

In the Deep Museum

bonsoir Samdi - our new CD
bonsoir samdi CD cover
The outside cover, with photo of Bill Horist and Vanessa Skantze (by Briana Jones)
We are proud to annouce our newest cd, "bonsoir Samdi: experimental improvisations," featuring In the Deep Museum along with some our frequent collaborators Noise Poet Nobody, Bill Horist, and Tom Swafford. The songs here were captured at monthly salons devoted to music, dance, and other performance arts.
Sample clips:
Bill Horist (track 2)
In the Deep Museum & Bill Horist (track 3)
Noise Poet Nobody (track 8)
Prospecting in the Mire
Prospecting in the Mire CD cover   Prospecting in the Mire disc image
the cover image   the hand-stamped disc
Our CD "Prospecting in the Mire" is also available - 12 tracks recorded between Nov. 2006 and Sept. 2007 in Seattle and New Orleans. The disc is a professionally duplicated CDR hand-stamped with a bramble design.

These tracks are excerpts from improvisational performances by In the Deep Museum, featuring Vanessa Skantze (voice and percussion), celadon (noise, bass, and keyboards) and natazatán (guitars).

September 2, 2007

the fulcrum point
miles out to sea

Viva! flowers of dissection, Aug. 11, 2007

Denial and Blame, a short clip from our performance at a Death Posture event

Someday Lounge, Portland, Jan. 20 2007

Brief clip from our performance accompanying butoh dancers

Someday Lounge, Portland, Dec. 28 2006

Brief clip from In the Deep Museum performance

Various jams & other events

Dec. 1
Nov. 12 - crunch
Nov 12 - coffee
Nov. 12 - abe
sounds like farewell

BonSoir Samdi, Dec. 9 2006

A clip from our piece Mi Corazon de Luces Rotas, available on CD-r.

New Orleans, Nov. 3 2006

Clips from our show at the Zeitgeist Experimental Theater in New Orleans.

NOLA show, clip 1 dark and moody
NOLA show, clip 2 gets noisy
NOLA show, clip 3 wide open spaces
NOLA show, clip 4 Vanessa destroys the scrap metal

Ohana III: from Butoh to Breakdance

Ohana III, clip 1
Ohana III, clip 2
Ohana III, clip 3

TK lofts, Seattle, Sept. 2006

Clips from a number of performances and events at the TK Lofts in Seattle's Pioneer Square.

In the Deep Museum whispering waves
celadon and Vanessa subtle percussion
In the Deep Museum the final meeting
celadon and Vanessa using the knife
celadon with Rosalynn on clarinet vaguely creepy
In the Deep Museum with Thea strangely melodic

natazatan and celadon at In the Deep Museum performance in NOLA